Home equipment, devices and machines for people with disabilities

We compensate for necessary household appliances and devices that make daily life easier.

People with severe disabilities can receive compensation for the reasonable costs of acquiring fixed equipment and devices for their homes, provided that they absolutely need these for mobility, communication or daily activities. The equipment and devices that can be compensated include lifting devices, alarm devices or other similar pieces of equipment and devices that are installed as fixed elements of the home. The Wellbeing Services County can also issue such pieces of equipment or devices to people with severe disabilities for no charge. In this case, the equipment or devices remain in the ownership of the Wellbeing Services County, which is also responsible for their maintenance

Conditions for receiving the Service

The clients receiving the service are persons with disabilities, as defined in the Disability Services Act, who absolutely need it to move around, communicate or manage daily activities due to their disability or illness.

The service is free of charge.