Social services for victims of human trafficking

We assess the need for services and make sure that our clients get the help they need.

Human trafficking is a serious crime against personal freedom. The victim of human trafficking is forced to submit to a situation where they are exploited and have no way out. The victim may be pressured, for example, by threats of violence to themselves or their loved ones, by threats of losing their residence permit or by demanding payments of a disproportionate debt. Human trafficking can include, for example, being forced into prostitution or hard work without proper pay or days off. If the victim of human trafficking has a municipality of residence in Finland, a social worker will meet them and assess their service needs. The social worker provides the victim with the social services they need and cooperates with other authorities to ensure that the victim also receives the other services they need. The aim of the work is to provide the client the means to cope with their experiences and to help them get started with a better life. The social worker makes a referral on behalf of the victim to the National Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking.

Conditions for receiving the Service

The service can be granted to clients who are covered by the aid system for victims of human trafficking or to clients for whom the aid system coverage is being sought.

The service is free of charge.