Supported housing for mental health and substance abuse clients

We provide supported housing for mental health and substance abuse patients who need support in living independently. In order to receive supported housing, contact the social work of your municipality’s housing services.

Supported housing is a housing service that is provided as per the Social Welfare act to adults who need regular support for living independently or transitioning to living independently due to mental health and/or substance abuse problems. The content of the service and the amount of support vary according to the client's needs. Supported housing can be arranged either in the client's own home (does not require moving) or alternatively in a supported dwelling, in which case the service includes a dwelling in addition to support (requires moving). You will sign a lease agreement on the supported dwelling with the service provider. The service provides you with guidance and support on prearranged home visits and appointments. The service may include group/daytime activities. In supported housing, the staff have special expertise in mental health and substance abuse problems. As a rule, you are responsible for your medication. You can receive support and guidance according to your needs, e.g.: - for managing daily activities - for using services outside the home - for dealing with authorities - for acting in social situations. The aim of the service is to promote your ability to function and manage your daily activities. Supported housing is voluntary, but it requires you to be motivated to accept the service and act according to your service plan. You are eligible for the service when it has been assessed based on the Social Welfare Act that you need supported housing. Your service needs are assessed on a regular basis. The service is temporary.

Conditions for receiving the Service

The service covers all clients who are assessed to have a need for housing services pursuant to the Social Welfare Act and who have been granted the supported housing service. The service is intended for adults whose functional ability has decreased due to a mental illness and/or substance abuse and who have a treatment provider or a need for service/treatment pursuant to their service needs assessment due to mental health and/or substance abuse problems. Supported housing is relevant when outpatient care services are not sufficient to support your housing situation.

The service is free of charge.