Transport service for the elderly

We provide transport assistance when using public transport is not possible.

Accessible and operative public transport, including demand-responsive transport and service transport, is the primary way of arranging mobility that suits everyone. On a discretionary basis, we may issue you with transport services (taxi card) as referred to in the Social Welfare Act (1301/2014) and in section 9 of the Social Welfare Decree, if your mobility or functional capacity does not allow for the independent use of public transport, demand-responsive transport or the neighbourhood bus route. The service is intended for you, if you have long-term mobility issues and you are financially disadvantaged in particular. The purpose of the transport services is not to cover for lacking public transport and it is intended primarily for people over 65. Transport trips are issued for personal business trips, recreational trips and leisure trips and the aim of the trips is to help you take care of your day-to-day tasks and maintain your social life. The maximum number of trips per month is ten (10) one-way trips. The transport services cannot be used for trips to the doctor, rehabilitation and healthcare services because Kela may reimburse you for these costs under the Health Insurance Act.

Conditions for receiving the Service

The service is discretionary and issued based on a service needs assessment. The applicant must have a municipality of residence in the Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County based on the Municipality of Residence Act. In the service needs assessment, your situation is assessed comprehensively considering your situation in life and your financial situation. The purpose of the transport services is to support independent living at home, taking care of day-to-day tasks and social participation. The service can be issued to you if - you do not receive support for transport under other acts - your functional capacity is impaired long-term due to illnesses and/or aging - using the family's car independently or with a person living in the same household is not possible - your impaired functional capacity causes unreasonable difficulties in using public transport. The transport services cannot be used for trips to the doctor, rehabilitation and healthcare services because Kela may reimburse you for these costs under the Health Insurance Act.

The service is subject to a charge.

How can I book a transport, when the transport service has been granted to me?